Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Dear Friends & Family!!!!!

This Christmas at Arco-Iris Village of Joy was definitely the most joyful and amazingly blessed out of all three years that I have been here to celebrate the birth of Jesus with my Mozambican family. We had two teams of visitors and one family who came especially to celebrate with us, bringing with them many gifts for the children and missionaries, including over 100 soccer balls for the boys and many beautiful skirts and sundresses for the girls.

Holiday festivities began with the traditional room decorating and candlelight service on Christmas Eve. The children danced and sang their hearts out, worshipping the one who was born to die for them. Then they each received a lit candle and humbled their hearts before the King of Kings during a time of adoration. Afterwards we all enjoyed a special treat of ice cream and popcorn, which a previous visitor had donated finances for. The children were so excited to have ice cream and sat patiently waiting while mission school students, visitors, missionaries and tias (“aunties” who care for the children on a daily basis) dished up and handed out the treat. We had so much ice cream that every child got a second cup, and everyone finally went to bed around 10:30PM very happy and excited for the coming day.

On Christmas morning all of our almost 200 children received brand new blue Iris t-shirts and got themselves ready for the day. At 10AM the same groups of adults that helped the previous night to decorate each of the children’s rooms also handed out Christmas presents to those children. Everyone was so excited and joyful at how the Lord had provided beautiful new clothes and toys for them. The older boys each received a soccer ball, and the younger boys also received different kinds of balls and cars. So there were about 100 balls being kicked around all at the same time! The girls were delighted with the new skirts, tops and dolls that they received and were soon doing fashion shows for us and each other. There certainly was not a sad face in the center yesterday morning. All were rejoicing!

At noon we all joined in for the annual Christmas chicken dinner family style with just our kids and center family first. At around 1:15PM the doors to the center were opened, and about 800 to 1000 children, women, and men came to share in the joy of filling their bellies. The community children also received little bags of candy and cookies along with either a tennis ball or stuffed toy. Smiles were abounding!

Thank you to all who have poured out your hearts in prayer and your pockets in giving so that we are able to bless abundantly these treasures that the Lord has put into our care! You are a great Christmas present to us through the love you so generously pour out. I also want to thank those of you who have specifically lifted me up to the Father on a daily or weekly basis or have given financially so that I too can keep giving. Without you I could not continue being His hands and feet in this place.

Blessings to you as you celebrate the love and joy of our Savior during this holiday season. And may the Lord pour out an abundance of His Holy Spirit and provision on you in this New Year!!!


1 comment:

Matthew Key said...

Hey Tanya!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the beautiful photos. I have a special guest with me at the moment, who wants to say hello...!

Zhenya: Hello Tanya, it's so nice to speak with you, looking forward to see you. Love you lots, lots of blessings. See you, Zhenya xx

Matthew: Zhenya is in England now for a year and she came to stay with my family for christmas, so we are remembering our time together in Armavir!

Not quite sure how this comment thing works, but I think if you have any time to reply it will come to my email so that Zhenya and I can read it!

Keep being blessed in Mozambique!

Matthew and Zhenya